Thursday, November 3, 2022

Key Post: Values of Free Expression

In today's Media Law and Literacy Blog Key Post, we will be discussing the Eight Values of Free Expression. 

Which Resonates with Me most?

I personally believe that number eight, Protect Dissent, is the value that resonates with me most. All in all, Protect Dissent describes that the first amendment protects everyone's views, with popularity being a non factor. The first amendment also describes your right to disagree with the government, or whoever else you want to as well. According to protecting dissent, it is your patriotic duty to critique the government. 

Photo Credit (USAToday)

As an example of this, is the protests against Former President Donald J. Trump back in 2016. The protests came to a head when Portland police had to employ tear gas and flash-bang grenades. In a USA Today article, the news agency mentions five "big cities that had protests the same night that did not become violent while Portland Police sent a tweet describing the protest as it is happening. "Many in crowd trying to get anarchist groups to stop destroying property, anarchists refusing. Others encouraged to leave area." (Portland Police, 2016) These protests sent a message. One that said that a piece of our population and community of Americans was not happy with the election of Trump. Others were ecstatic to see a different kind of President, one that was not a politician, one that ran the country like a business. Even the New York times, one that was extremely critical of Trump, before, during and after his presidency, was somewhat positive on the topic of Trump. The article states that "it was a decisive demonstration of power by a largely overlooked coalition of mostly blue-collar, white and working class voters who felt that the promise of the United States had slipped their grasp amid decades of globalization and multiculturalism. " After accepting candidate Clinton's conciliation, Trump called for unity by saying "Now it's time for America to bind the wounds of division, It is time for us to come together as united people." (New York Times, 2016)

Which Values are Most Important?

Out of all of the eight values. I personally believe that Marketplace of Ideas, Check on Governmental Power and Promote innovation. To start off, Marketplace of ideas resonates with me because it allows the people to perceive what is true and what is not and it demonstrates First Amendment freedoms to a T.  
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Another value that is important is the Check on Governmental Power. This value is important because the people have an opportunity to question and ultimately hold government accountable when it comes to the governments power.  A few good examples of this are the Watergate, Iran contra, and Clinton scandals in which the American people were upset about and demanded action which they received with a varying amount of success. Finally, the next important value is Promoting Innovation. In this value, a group within a community is more likely to come together, create and find more ways to be inclusive as well as promoting diversity and diversity of thought. 

What is Happening Today?

Overall, the value that is happening more today is Promoting Tolerance. One of the major issues within our country is the issue of free speech. 
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People are using language that is defamatory to others every day and it goes un-checked because of the claim of the use of the First Amendment. The promoting tolerance piece of the first amendment fight is teaching us as Americans to be more tolerant in not only this aspect of life but the other aspects as well. While the freedom of speech may be somewhat counterintuitive, it teaches us how to learn the norms of acceptable conduct. 

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