Friday, December 9, 2022

ML&L Final Blog Post: Relationships with Technology

 In today's Media Law and Literacy blog post, we will discuss our relationships with technology and how the previously mentioned technology can control us. 

What is our relationship with Technology?

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All in all, I personally believe that technology has a strong connection to our lives as a whole. Personally, I live on technology 365 days a year, 24/7. I use a Fitbit watch to track my sleep, workouts, and daily activity to monitor myself and make sure I am on the right track within my workouts and daily requirements to stay healthy and perform on the field as best as possible. While I am monitoring myself on my watch, I use my phone and laptop to stay up to date with my school work, family, work of multiple jobs as well as keeping in touch with friends and teammates.  Personally, I believe that technology and my time away from the screen are skewed because of school, but in regular times, I tend to try to steer clear of as much technology as possible and let my screen time come while I am on the grind at school. Sometimes, technology is no better than an addiction. It has its positives or negatives, but either way. It is apart of our society and how we communicate every day. 

How it connects to my Friends and Family + My Online Presence 

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Technology relates to my friends and family in a positive and negative way.  The positive part of this is that both groups can stay in contact with me and keep in touch among the many activities people do in relation to technology. Negatively, having friends and family connected to technology could create "paper trail" and "bread crumbs" which could lead to secure documents as well as more familial contacts. Footprint wise, upon googling myself, I found multiple obituaries in my name along with my social media as well as my Linkedin (professional networking account). As one who is more of a scroller than a poster, I am confident I put off an important yet professional image. I show my affiliations as well as my current and previous employments on LinkedIn. An employer would see the same as I just described. 
Photo Credit (HPU Men’s Club Lacrosse/Roger Davis)
On social media, I do not post much. When I do, I make sure what I post is positive and celebrating something. An example of the former would be our Spring 2022 NCLL conference championship and National Elite 8 placement for lacrosse or a picture hanging out with my family. In fact, I could already tell you what my next two will be, my lacrosse senior day here on April 23rd, 2023 and walking across that stage on May 7th, 2023 at Roberts Lawn. One social media site I never post on is Twitter. There, I would consider myself as a serial scroller. Especially with the current climate on the application/social media service is pretty open for debate, especially with the new ownership of the company. On Twitter, I follow just about 150 people and have tweeted maybe 50 times. I use the site for most of my news from around the world and sports news, especially the NFL. 

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